Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Belgium !

After giving my 1yr old god son an indirect ribbing earlier for not updating his blog I though I had better get something put together! (leading by example... :O)

The last week has really been a good one. I guess the high point was taking last Friday off as leave and heading off to Belgium for the weekend. My only reservation about going was that the method of transport was via ferry (as opposed to the channel tunnel.) Thankfully the English channel was kind to me and the crossing on the way out was quite smooth, with very little rolling!
We were staying in Ostend, which up until the weekend I considered Belgium's equivalent to Southend (pier and all!) The last time we were here it very cold and really windy. It seems that the summer held on a little longer this year and it was bathed in wonderful sunshine!
Saturday was spent in the city of Brugge, wandering the cobbled streets (well after 1L of leffe beer I was wobbling about the place!) We had probably the best Flemish stew in existence, and I recommend anyone who's in the city to eat here! It looks quite posh, but they welcome anyone! :O)
The rest of the weekend was spend enjoying the fantastic entertainment at the Hotel and exploring Ostend some more!

Things are still crazy at the house, we now almost have the replacement banisters on the stairs in place, they should be finished this evening, then its the long task of painting them! The Hallway and downstairs toilet are almost complete with just a little bit of painting and fitting of the toilet etc to complete.
The kitchen is in, although there are no fitted worktops yet, they will hopefully go in this week sometime. We still have no waste pipe fitted for the dishwasher and sink drains, hopefully this will be done soon. I need to collect the ovens soon as they can now be fitted, which would mean that we won't have to cook only using a microwave anymore!

The bottle top collection here in the office is still growing, and surprisingly the cleaners still haven't moved it... I suspect that it could be the cleaners who have decided to start this little 'game'..... I must remember to hide their vacuum cleaner and mops...


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