Wedding lists and bread bins
This entry have been spured by the recent browsing of a wedding list...
Now on the whole weddings lists are a good idea, at least you don't end up getting gifts that you don't need... but the disturbing fact is that more offen than not you don't actually need whats on the list...
When I say actually need what I mean is that although a new TV or a couple of DVD's could well be done without, they are nice to have, your going to use it everyday... or at least watch the film when married life all becomes too much to sustain a lasting conversation. . .
However on the wedding list in question you have to wonder whats going on??? These days many couples have lived together for some time, during this time you have managed to acculumulate everything you need to live a reasonably comfortable life... So why in these times does any one want a Typhoon Vintage Kitchen Cream Cake Tin? FFS, these people are still young... Is there a need for this?? Ummm.... I think not...
When you sit down to work out what you put on the list you hit a wall after you have requested the HD TV, DVD player and a new set of cuttlery (to replace the slightly missing set you bought from IKEA when you 1st moved in together!)
But what now.... well there is little option than to request the odd cup and saucer, Giant Pessle and mortar, a set of napkin holders with matching floral center piece, the Typhoon Vintage Kitchen Cream Cake Tin then makes an apearance as well as a totaly over priced bread bin....
This takes me on to another slightly related subject.... the uselessness of bread bins...
Whats wrong with freezing bread and using when you need it? Surely this makes sence?? How many times do you buy a loaf of bread then end up throwing the green fluffly baked delights away??? not only that but they look bloody awfull but unless your kitchen worktop is the size of an aircraft hanger they just look out of place...
Then there are the cunning ideas to have some sort of super slick opening mechanism that is in fact far too complex and always seems to attract a jafa cake bar into the mechanics of it all meaning that when you do actually want to get a piece of bread out, it is so full to bursting point that you can't get the bloody thing open and end up breaking in just to get your piece of hovis out... by the time you get to it, you really can't be arsed to do anything with it....
So in conclusion, both are totally unnessasary!